The children from Badger Class in church this afternoon.
We had a lovely afternoon in church today celebrating harvest. Everyone was very impressed with the new hedgehogs and their brilliant involvement, it's hard to believe they have only been with us for three weeks!
The service began with a whole congregation song, Autumn days, followed by a fantastic performance from Hedgehogs and Squirrels of the song 'Glory Hallelujah!'
Next, we all sang the Harvest Samba before Badger Class presented their 'What harvest means to me' pieces they had worked together to produce. Their beautiful paintings and words can be viewed in school on display outside their class.
Once again we all came together to sing Cauliflowers Fluffy, before Foxes Class performed their interpretation of 'The Parable of the Sower' followed by harvest prayers written by the children.
As always, it was wonderful to see so many of you there and filling our church with beautiful singing to celebrate with us in thanks for the harvest. We are very grateful for the donations of food that will be presented to the Salvation Army to help provide for those in need in our local area.