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Narborough Primary Academy

Week 2 - Tuesday 31st March


Y1 - 'ir' phoneme worksheet attached

Y2 - Choose one or two different activities from the Phase 6 phonics powerpoint attached

English / Topic

Read the non-fiction booklet about elephants and talk about the features of the text. Please note some children may require help with the reading. 

Y1 - choose two facts about elephants and write a sentence about each fact. Draw and label a picture to go with your facts.

Y2 - choose three facts about elephants and write a sentence about each fact in your own words. Draw and label a picture to go with your facts. 


Y1 Practise counting in 2's, 5's and 10's

Y2 practise counting up and down in tens from any given number. Recite the 10 times table.

Year 1 Week 2 Lesson 3 

Year 2 Week 2 Lesson 2

Collective Worship:

Click on the link below to find out about why tomorrow is special.