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Narborough Primary Academy

Monday 11th May

Phonics / Spelling / SPAG

Spend 5 to 10 minutes practising to spell up to 10 words from your spelling lists. Remember to look for any spelling patterns in the words to help you remember them.

Additional and ongoing: In the attachments below I have added a Year 1 and Year 2 spelling and phonics document. The document contains information that might be useful to you as a parent. If you scroll through the document you will find activity cards. Please do not feel you have to do this activity. It is simply here as an added extra if you and your child(ren) find it useful.

Y1 Listen to the daily phonics lesson on Letters and Sounds for home and school


Listen to Mr Thorne Phase 5 phonics These are short videos on youtube featuring Geraldine the Giraffe. You can select the phoneme video you think your child needs to practise.

Y2 Prefixes  Watch the short video clips to learn about prefixes. 


Reading and Comprehension 

Y1 - Read the short story in the attachments. Use your phonics to help you sound out any unfamiliar words. Complete the questions on the question sheet. If you are writing them in your book you may wish to leave out Question 1 or you could draw the objects to go with the words.

Y2 - Read the information sheet about the Titanic in the attachments. There are three levels (1 star being the easiest). Most of you can try level 2 (2 stars). If you find reading a little tricky choose the 1 star sheet. Answer the questions that follow your reading sheet. You can write your answers in your exercise books.


The Whiterose sheets are no longer available online so I have attached the sheets for the week. You only need to complete one a day but I know some of you like to be prepared and print or write out the sheets in advance! The videos can still be accessed on the links below.

Year 1 Week 4 Lesson 1 Add by making 10

Year 2 Week 4 Lesson 1 Adding and subtracting tens


Choose from the two following options:

PE with Joe


'Keep moving' game in the attachments. You can play this game with your family.