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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 12th May

Phonics / Spelling / SPAG

Spend 5 to 10 minutes practising your spellings or choose an activity card from yesterday's spelling and phonics pack.

Year 1 Listen to the daily phonics lesson on Letters and Sounds for home and school


Listen to Mr Thorne Phase 5 phonics These are short videos on youtube featuring Geraldine the Giraffe. You can select the phoneme video you think your child needs to practise.

Year 2 - complete the prefix worksheet in the attachments. If you don't have a printer you can write the words in your exercise book.


Complete the appropriate 'nouns' worksheet from the attachments below. Following this you will need to write sentences in your exercise books. Please try to remember how to form your letters correctly.

Y1 - write a sentence that describe a noun in your house e.g. The plant has many leaves and a beautiful flower. Underline the nouns.

Y2 - write two sentences containing a proper noun and a common noun.


Mental Maths Train - choose a subtraction game. '10 less' is a good one to practise.

Y1  - Whiterose Maths Lesson 2 - Subtract within 20

Y2 - Whiterose Maths Lesson 2 - Add 2 digit numbers

The worskheets are in the attachments below.

Topic - RE

Judaism - Watch the video and complete the activities to help you learn about the religion Judaism.