FONS Christmas Bingo!
A fantastic evening of bingo fun held at Narborough Primary Academy raised a whopping £402.65!
World Book Day 2024 fun!
Everyone dressed up as a book character and every class read a book together.
Our children said:
"I liked how we did quizzes at the start of the day. Everyone dressed up as a character from a book" Joey Y2.
"The costumes at Narborough are wonderful. Everybody enjoys it and I like dressing as my favourite character" - Finley Y4
"I enjoyed how everyone got to look at people's oufits and they got to tell us who they were. They were all very creative" Esme Y6
"I enjoyed seeing all of the characters from different stories" Y5
A fantastic evening of bingo fun held at Narborough Primary Academy raised a whopping £402.65!
A massive thank you from us all to the many visitors who enjoyed a Christmassy afternoon at Narborough Primary Academy!
Children from across the federation in Year 6 enjoyed being secret agents for the day!
The Children in Badger Class were delighted to welcome Andrew Bickerton into school to read his latest book 'Bumble' with him.
£138.50 raised to support children in Need by the children at Narborough Primary Academy!
A fantastic morning was had by everyone at the TNHA cross country first round heats.
A brilliant turn out for the FONS fundraiser, raising £240.40!
Year 4 celebrating their fantastic results at today's Tag Rugby tournament held at The Nicholas Hammond Academy.
The children from Badger Class enjoying a Bronze Age story in the roundhouse as part of their visit to Flag Fen.
Over £217 is raised at the Macmillan coffee morning!