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Narborough Primary Academy

Monday 20th April

Phonics and spelling

Year 1 - Listen, watch and sing along to the phonics song to help you remember all the phonemes we have been learning

Play the game buried treasure on Phonics play using the login codes below. I believe this should work on most electronic devices. Let me know if you have any problems.

Username: march20

Password: home

Year 2 - Log onto the website below and choose the spell speaking activity.


Read for pleasure: Spend 5-10 minutes (or more if you want) reading something for pleasure. It could be a story, poem, information text, online text/kindle/e-reader. You could also read to a younger or older sibling.

Writing a recount: Use time words and phrases such as 'in the morning, first, then, next, after, lastly' to write a short recount about your weekend. You will need to write in the past tense as you are writing about something that has already happened. Remember to use capital letters at the start of your sentences and full stops at the end. Use your phonics to help you spell any tricky words. Check your sentences make sense by reading them back to yourself. 

Year 1 - try to extend one of your sentences using the joining word 'and'.

Year 2 - try to extend your sentences using other joining words such as 'because, so, but'.

Here is an example of a starting sentence for your recount: In the morning, I ate my breakfast in the garden so I could listen to the sweet singing of the birds.


Daily ten - Choose level 2 doubling and halving up to 10 or 20

Clink on the websites below and complete lesson 1. Watch the video then complete the activity. Don't worry if you can't print off the pages, you can just write the answers in your exercise books.

Year 1  - Making doubles

Year 2 – Making three quarters


On a Monday we would normally have PE. Have a go at PE with Joe Wicks. It's great fun and he is live online at 9am every morning. Just type in ' PE with Joe'. Obviously you can do it at a time that suits you! For those of you already doing this I believe you will also all be receiving a text with details of other PE activities that are on the website on the main Nar Valley Federation webpage under News and Events.

Whole school Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website.

Wise words: The grass is always greener.

Gemma Hunt considers the meaning of some well-known sayings.