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Narborough Primary Academy

Thursday 23rd April 2020

Keep up the good work! You are awesome!!!!

Learning tasks for Thursday....

Spellings: Continue to practice adding the suffixes ‘tion’ and ‘sion.’ You can use slide 6 on the powerpoint below for some ideas of words.  (Spellings _Rule 17 tion, sion). Have they chosen the correct suffix?

Read for pleasure: Spend 10-15 minutes (or more if you want) reading something for pleasure. It could be a story, poem, play, information text, comic, graphic novel or online text/kindle/e-reader. You could also read to a younger or older sibling.

English: Writing a newspaper report

Click on the link below to take you to the BBC home learning page. Watch the video explaining the features of a newspaper report, label the features of a newspaper report, take the quiz. Then watch Dick and Dom retelling part of the story of George’s Marvellous medicine.

Imagine you watched George through the window as he was creating his medicine. Write a newspaper report based on what you saw. Don’t forget the 5 Ws…

Also, can you try to include some direct speech in your report, using inverted commas (skill practised yesterday). What might you have heard George say as he was creating the medicine?


Daily 10

Pupils have also been using daily 10 in class to improve this recall of multiplication and division facts. They all know how this works. Click on the link below to access the website.

Year 5 Maths Summer term week 1(W/C 20th April) Lesson 2: Subtracting decimals within 1.

Scroll down the page to access Summer term week 1 (W/c 20th April) lessons. (You may need to click on the + symbol for them to appear on the webpage).
Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers.

Year 6 Maths Summer term week 1(W/C 20th April) Lesson 2: Angles in a triangle

Scroll down the page to access Summer term week 1 (W/c 20th April) lessons. (You may need to click on the + symbol for them to appear on the webpage).

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

Art and Design

Learn about the artist Georgia O’ Keeffe by going through the powerpoint below. (Georgia O’Keeffe pwerpoint)

Can you take inspiration from her work and create your own flower art work. Get outside (if you can) and look carefully at flowers. Choose 1 to base your art work on. You can choose to use whatever medium you would like (or can get your hands on) e.g. pencil, coloured pencils, felt tips, crayons, pastels, paints.

If you upload a photo of your artwork to dojo, I will try to create a gallery of your work.


Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website

All Change! A change for the better