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Narborough Primary Academy

FUN Friday 24th April

WELL DONE everybody on making it to Friday. I have seen lots of fantastic learning and work going on! You are doing an AMAZING job with your home learning. With this in mind I thought you all deserve to have some fun, flexible learning to finish the week!

PE with Joe

A great way to start you day is to do PE with Joe live at 9am. I do believe it's fancy dress Friday too! Just type 'PE with Joe' into your search engine to find the live session. 

Phonics / spelling

If you wish to see how many spellings you have learnt by all means have a go at writing them out and seeing how many you got right. Otherwise you can choose a phonics games from below!

Year 1 and Year 2 revision - Phonics Bloom Phase 5

Year 2 - Phonics Bloom Phase 6


Enjoy a story time with your family. Chose one of your favourite books to share and read or try listening to one of the stories below!

David Walliams Elevenses stories


Today is CHALLENGE day. Follow the White Rose link below and they will have the challenge under the 'get activity' part. They suggest the following questions but feel free to have a go at the other questions as a family!

Year 1 White Rose Challenge Friday

Year 2 White Rose Challenge Friday

Creative Art

Create a sea picture of your choice. Imagine being at the seaside and seeing the waves lapping and the spray of the water. You can use coloring pencils, crayons, pens, paint, collage, fabrics. How creative can you be? Can you show the different shades of colour you might see?

Don't worry if you don't have any art equipment! You can create wave patterns and splash effects using water and a paintbrush or stick outside in your garden. 

If you prefer you can find objects in your garden and around your house to try and make the sounds of the sea - the crashing waves, the gentle rippling of the water. 

If you struggle to think of ideas a simple drawing of the sea using a pencil and paper will be absolutely fine. You can practise those wavy lines!

Have a fun Friday everyone !