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Narborough Primary Academy

Monday 27th April

Phonics / Spelling

I have added new spelling lists below incase your child is ready to move on from last weeks list. If you haven't already done so, check to see which of last week's words your child can spell so you know which words they need to practise this today and this week. Remember to go at a pace that suits your child. For some, practising 5 words at a time is more than enough. Other children might be happier to practise 10 words.

New lists are attached below. Some year 2 children will benefit from practising the Phase 5 words first if they find spelling tricky.

Year 1 (good revision for Year 2 children also) There are new phonic lessons being uploaded onto youtube by the Department for Education each day at 10:30am. I am hoping the link below will take you to the correct site. It is being launched tomorrow so if the link doesn't work I will try to  find the correct link ready for Tuesday. 

Letters and Sounds


Today we are going to remind ourselves about writing in the past and present tense. Read the text on your sheet then rewrite the text in the correct tense. You can choose the 'mild' challenge or the 'hot' challenge. The 'hot' challenge is trickier so have a look at both sheets before you decide which one to do. Write the text in your books. Worksheets are attached below.


Mental Maths Train - Spend 10 minutes playing one of the games on here. You can choose the game you play.

Click on the links below. Watch the video then complete the activity. Don't worry if you can't print off the pages, you can just write the answers in your exercise books.

Whiterose Maths Year 1- Lesson 1 Finding half

Whiterose Maths Year 2 - Lesson 1 Compare lengths


Join in with the 9am live PE with Joe!

Design your own target game in the garden. Can you find a bucket / hoop or something similar? You will also need a ball / beanbag or even a pair of socks rolled into a ball! Try to get your ball into the target. How can you make it easier / harder? Can you make up a scoring system? Perhaps play your game with your family. I would love to see a picture!

Daily Act of Worship/reflection

Click on the link below to take you to the bbc website

Beginnings: Noah