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Narborough Primary Academy

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Phonics / Spelling / SPAG

Spend 5 minutes practising your spellings. 

Choose a game from below to play. Year 1 choose Phase 5. Year 2 choose Phase 5 or 6.

Phonics play

Phonics Bloom


Today we are going to be thinking about vocabulary. We are going to read some topic words linked to the Titanic and find out what they mean. To check you understand the meaning of the words you will need to read some sentences and work out what the missing topic word is. Please see the attachments below. 


Y1 - Click on this link - Ordering numbers

The activities on this Bitesize daily lesson might appear easy but the children need to have a good understanding of the language used when ordering and comparing numbers. Complete the activities and then download the worksheets from the attachments. 

Y2 Click on this link - Comparing amounts of money

Watch the videos on BBC BItesize daily lesson. Download the worksheets from the attachments.


Choose a plant from your garden (If you don't have a plant in your garden you can choose a fruit or vegetable from your kitchen). Look at it carefully. Using your pencil see if you can do an observational drawing of the plant. Here are a few tips:

1) Spend some time using your senses to explore your chosen plant. Smell it, touch it, look at the plant from different angles.

2) Look at the shape of each part of the plant.

3) Keep looking from your paper to your plant so you are drawing what you actually see.

4) Try some shading with your pencil to make any darker parts of the plant dark and lighter parts light.