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Narborough Primary Academy

Wednesday 10th June 2020


Rule 23: ‘cial’ or ‘tial’ suffixes

Continue to practice spelling words containing the ‘cial’ or ‘tial’ suffixes. You can refer to slide 6 of the powerpoint for ideas of  words containing these suffixes,

Read for pleasure: Spend 10-15 minutes (or more if you want) reading something for pleasure. It could be a story, poem, play, information text, comic, graphic novel or online text/kindle/e-reader. You could also read to a younger or older sibling.

English: Story writing: Writing your opening and build-up

Today, you are going to write the opening and build-up of your story (not your whole story!). I will upload two short videos to dojo to explain what I expect to be included in each section of your story, but you will need to:

  • Write in the past tense (you must keep this consistent)
  • Write in the third person
  • Organise your writing into paragraphs (I recommend 1 paragraph for your opening, and 1 paragraph for your build-up)
  • Vary the start of your sentences (e.g. fronted adverbials, use ISPACE and fronted adverbials word mats below to help you)
  • Use some subordinating conjunctions
  • Use some semi-colons to link clauses
  • Use description to add interest to the reader (e.g. similes, metaphors, expanded noun phrases…describe what your character can see, hear, feel, smell or even taste). Be adventurous with your vocabulary!


Daily 10

Pupils have also been using daily 10 in class to improve this recall of multiplication and division facts. They all know how this works. Click on the link below to access the website.


Year 5 Maths Summer term week 7 (W/C 8th June) Lesson 3: rounding decimals

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers.

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage.

Year 6 Maths Summer term week 7 (W/C 8th June) Lesson 3: Substitution

Guidance: watch the video tutorial, then complete the worksheet. If you can't (or don't want to) print the worksheet, write your answers in your exercise book. Make sure you number your questions to make it easy for your parents to check your answers!

This week, the worksheets will not feature on the white rose site, but will appear at the bottom of this webpage.

Don’t panic about this… remember we sometimes use letters in maths to express an unknown value. For example: 3+a=7. ‘a’ is used because we don’t know the value of it yet…but we can work it out. (7-3=4, so a=4).

Hint: 3y actually means 3 X y….

So, if y=2….. 3y=3x2=6


Geography: Fossil fuels and renewable energy

Click on the link below to access the BBC bitesize page to learn about fossil fuels and renewable energy. Watch the videos and read the text. Complete activities 1 and 2.  (you don’t need to print the cards for activity 2. Instead, you could record which fuels are renewable or non-renewable in a simple table in your exercise books.

Daily Act of Worship

Click on the link below to access the BBC Schools radio page.

Sport: overcoming hurdles